Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mighty To Save

Not much to update on the adoption front, except that we are working on getting everything together for our home study.  It mostly consists of getting forms filled out, blood tests, fingerprinting, notarizing, and what other forms only Ohio requires.  We joked last week that Noel and I had a mini date, and it consisted of getting fingerprinted and our social security card verifications (since we couldn't find our cards).  We had fun getting it done, and making fun of what was going on in the social security office. 
Today during my quiet time the song "Mighty to Save" was running thru my mind.  We had practiced the song last night for Sunday AM service, but part of that song has just a strong meaning to me today.

"So take me as you find me, all my fears and failures."

That is how God will take us into his family, and how we will take our daughter into ours.  We will accept her and love her no matter her background or where she came from.  She will have all the rights and privileges as a member of the Dear family.  We are longing for the day when we will know who she is.

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